Monday, May 28, 2012

Cast All Your Worries on Christ

Cast All Your Worries on Christ. (1 Peter 5:7)
Lord, I acknowledge that you are in control of my life and my family. I believe you are sovereign and that nothing comes against us that you cannot help us endure. I believe we are your children, your beloved, the sheep of your pasture, the redeemed, adopted sons and daughters, holy in Jesus’ righteousness, those destined for heaven, temples of the Holy Spirit, loved ones, grace bearers, lights in this dark world, empowered with your limitless power, all because of Jesus’ redeeming death and the grace we have received through faith…the greatest gift we could ever hope for.

My Son, my Daugher, your limits are human limits, your heart imperfect, your will tainted, your dreams polluted by the world. My vision for your life is one that has much greater expectations than you have for yourself. I am kind and gentle, loving and fatherly, blessing those who love me and granting them eternal life in my kingdom. No one can make a difference—a lasting difference—without my help. Partner with me and trust me to guide you through the testing times. Let me be your greatest cheerleader for my love never fails. I love you my precious one and promise to be with ou for ever.

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Keep Pace WIth God

The Lord impressed on me the need to keep pace with him daily rather than racing through life. Maybe you too have been striving and are tired?….He said, “Listen to me, your loving Father. I am your guide, your compass point. Let me lead you to those I am actively courting. Let me show you the hearts I am preparing for deep and intimate relationships with me. I see what you cannot see. I know what you cannot know unless I release my wisdom to you. Look to me and I will guide your steps day by day, hour by hour. Let me bring you to the place of depth and presence. I will guide you. I will anoint you. I will bring you to the places of revelation and fulfillment. Will you seek me with all your heart? Will you obey me? Will you reach out to the lost and sacrifice your comfort and convenience if that is needed.”