On Sept 3rd the Lord told me that he was commissioning Sally and me as Kingdom Ambassadors to the Nation and Nations. I asked for a word of comformation and and got one word from God, "Obadiah." So I opened my NLT Bible to Obadiah (a very short book in the OT) and read this in the first verse---"We have heard a message from the Lord that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Get ready everyone." I was blown away...I believe God is calling many to a radical new way to do ministry. After all I was gainfully employed in the US Senate Chaplains office...but this new assignment is totally Kingdom focused and apparently it will be quite an adventure as you will see below.
But on 9/9 God spoke again during my devotions. The date is significant because it was the 9th day of the 9th month and the last day of my 9th year on Capitol Hill. Then the Lord told me to tell my boss, Senate Chaplain Dr Barry Black, on Wednesday after my Police officer's Bible study that I was leaving the Senate by the end of the year. Then we were told as well to sell our home--it was under contract in 2 weeks (we closed 14 Dec.), then when we were in Orlando for me to do a wedding there in November, the Lord told us to donate 70% of our possessions--which we did by giving then to Teen Challenge.
We are semi-homeless---here in PA for 5 weeks waiting for our kids to move to TX in early Feb. After that we go on the road for 4-6 months of more--as the Holy Spirit leads.
We are enjoying our little cottage on the Yellow Breeches river. We are minding our granddaughter today and having a great time together. We purchased a 34 foot 5th wheel trailer on Saturday...Check out the video below for a look at our Ceder Creek Towable home. We will be buying a Ford 250/350 to pull it or a similar vehicle. GOD BLESS. Alan
Our new home is seen in the video below.