Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Part 5 Holy Spirit Baptism

A week later my friend Chuck gave me a copy of Merlin Carothers’ book “Prison to Praise.” Since Merlin was a military chaplain I read it in right away.  I noted that he wrote about Holy Spirit Baptism…Something I never heard of in any of my seminary classes. The next day my friend, the only Pentecostal in our seminary, came into the bookstore as I was unpacking boxes.

I asked him what Holy Spirit Baptism was and he said, “I need to go out but I’ll be back soon.” An hour later he handed me Don Basham’s book, “Handbook on Holy Spirit Baptism.” I read the book in three days. That afternoon mu wife and I sat down on our living room couch and I said to the Lord, “Father, I am not moving off this couch until I am baptized in the Holy Spirit. So please make it obvious to me”.

The next thing I knew I was in a vision seeing Jesus from the back with his right arm around my neck as we both gazed at the huge mountain before us. As I was watching this I saw Jesus at the top of the mountain with his arm around my neck looking down the mountain. I saw a trail that stretched from the bottom to the top of the mountain and I was impressed by the Holy Spirit I would have a very long journey of ministry and that Jesus would be with me all the way.

Then a very amazing thing happened, I witnessed the “path” that I saw spanning from the top of the mountain to the bottom detach from the mountain and become a ticker tape with non-descript words on it. (As a cryptologist I used a similar type of tape to send messages to headquarters.)

I started reading the “words” on the tape and I felt as if my feet left the ground. Then the Lord shoed me another vision. I say a huge lake filled with crystalline “water” radiating the love of God. Then I saw a huge waterfall where the glory-like water was falling 500 feet or more and below there were people in the splash of the glory dancing and singing praises to God.

Then I realized that there were many thousands of lifeless people that had not yet come into the expanding waves of glory. They were “frozen” in place, but when the glory touched them they too became praising God and filled with the Holy Spirit. I am still not sure what all this means, but I know that the Lord has shown me something wonderful. 

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