Sunday, July 22, 2012

How do you rate your walk with Jesus?

LEARNING FROM THE PACING OF JESUS' LIFE - So you will finish well and not burn out.

 Reflect on the following questions....

1. Jesus was secure in who He was, where He came from and where He was going – so He could serve others.  (John 13:1-5)

 How secure am I in who I am?

 How secure am I in where I came from?

How secure am I in where I am going—so I can serve others?

 2. Jesus did only what the Father was doing. (John 5:19-20)

 What am I doing that isn’t God’s will for my life?

 What is God asking me to do?

 3. Jesus was motivated by obedience, not driven by needs. (John 11:1-44)

What needs are driving my life?

How can I be motivated by obedience and not driven by needs?

 4. Jesus rested and spent time with His friends. (Mark 6:30-32)

 Do I strive too much to please God?

How can I balance rest and service?

 5. Jesus knew His vision could only be fulfilled, by multiplying His life within others through discipleship. (Matthew 28:18-20)

 How can I multiply my life by equipping others through discipleship?

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