Monday, December 9, 2013

Divine Connections.

From Alan                                                                                           12/9/13

Divine Connections.

My Left hip is getting more painful by the day, so my Doctor ordered x-rays of both my hips…

When I approached Athol Hospital for my x-ray appointment I met a Marine Corps vet. We chatted a while and he told me another USMC Vet was about to host a Rotary meeting the hospital conference room. I waked into the room and he was alone awaiting his Rotary companions to arrive…We chatted a few minutes and I told him about our ministry in India and he invited me to present our ministry in India when we come back from our February 6-15  mission trip to Andhra Predesh, India.

After my X-rays were done I headed to the Grocery store to and had a wonderful chat with the produce manager…

Now Imagine this…..You are an hour late catching lunch and drive in to McDonalds for a take-out Southwest  salad and you feel the urging to God telling you to speak about Jesus to two high school students killing time shouting the breeze.

You walk up to them and say, “Hello, How are you doing?” I introduce yourself and see smiles on their faces. After a few moments of banter I hear the Lord say, “Share the Gospel with them!” I did…. and they both wanted to give their hearts to Christ. So we prayed the sinner’s prayer together and I explained that they both have a destiny that God will reveal as they seek him in prayer and listen for his voice…..

I have wrapped up Take Charge of Your Destiny books for the two young men so that can fill-up on the 14 principles God gave me to include in this book.

Agape, Alan

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